Teaching Resources
Workshop Handouts
Motivic Development for Young Composers and Improvisers (2021) presentation for the Manitoba Music Educators’ “TEMPO” Conference. Download the PDF handout and the accompanying playalong for “On Broadway” in concert B-Flat.
Using TextExpander to Simplify Your Feedback Workflow (2021): created for the Humber College / Seneca Part-Time Teachers’ Conference.
Supercharge your Mac with Keyboard Shortcuts (2020): created for the Apple Distinguished Educator Festival of Learning 2020.
How to Create a Course Intro Video in 10 Minutes or Less (2020): this document was developed for a presentation at Humber College Ed-Venture Week.
Teaching with iPad: Markup, Movies and Multitasking (2020): this document was developed for a presentation at Humber College Ed-Venture Week.
Beyond PowerPoint: Using GoodNotes and OmniOutliner on iPad (2017)
Jazz Sax Techniques: This document contains information on listening, technique, style and equipment.
Jazz Pedagogy Resource List: This document provides educators with a wealth of print and audio resources, in topics ranging from jazz ensemble pedagogy to piano voicings and everything in between.
Jazz Band Rehearsal Techniques: in this document, I discuss active listening, musical style, rhythm section, blend and balance, and teaching using the voice and body.
What Makes a Great Solo: this handout comes from my "Essentials of Improvisation and Ear Training" clinic, where I describe some of the factors that often contribute to improvisation in jazz and other genres. I offer more details on these concepts in a live workshop setting.
Jazz Piano / Guitar Comping Patterns on "Autumn Leaves" in Various Styles: this handout provides some context for young players learning voicings in a combo or large jazz ensemble.
Jazz Bass Patterns on "Autumn Leaves" in Various Styles: this handout, along with the previous one above, shows basic patterns in a number of common styles.